February 28, 2010

A Man's Leisure Time

The tasks to which we devote ourselves when not otherwise occupied by the task of survival say a great deal about us as individuals and as a species. A hobby may, in fact, be all that separates us from the lower orders of existence.

Read "A Man's Leisure Time" in Round River by Aldo Leopold

February 20, 2010

The Delta Colorado

In the autumn of 1922, the Leopold brothers, Carl and Aldo, set out upon an expedition to hunt and explore the Colorado River delta south of the Mexican border. Both men made journal entries (Carl's are identified by "C.S.L.") with detailed accounts of successful hunting and prodigious knowledge of the local fish, fowl, and game.

WARNING: Sensitive readers may be offended by the carnage.

Read "The Delta Colorado" in Round River by Aldo Leopold

February 13, 2010

Natural History — The Forgotten Science

In this essay, Leopold calls for a new course called 'ecology' to be taught in our universities. That course is now ubiquitous, but what would he think of its syllabus?

Read "Natural History — The Forgotten Science" in Round River by Aldo Leopold

February 6, 2010


Leopold waxes polemic in his call for an ethic based on environmental awareness. In the process, he foresees the development of speciesism, green marketing, and environmental economics as dead ends along the road to a true environmental philosophy.

Read "Conservation" in Round River by Aldo Leopold